Here Are 5 Tips To Cope With Workplace Depression - Labour Law Blog


Jul 19, 2017

Here Are 5 Tips To Cope With Workplace Depression

Here Are 5 Tips To Cope With Workplace Depression

Never let work stress grow so much that you end up in depression. Everybody needs to work to make ends meet, but ensure that you lead a balanced life. These 5 ways will tell you how to cope with workplace depression if you are already dealing with it.

By Shreya Suresh Kumar

Workplace depression is on the rise with such stringent deadlines and hectic schedules. Working professionals work almost twelve hours each day and the stress levels are so high that it inevitably affects a person’s personal life. Corporate companies should come up with initiatives that keep their employees’ mental health in place. There are some companies that provide counseling, while some companies still need to take depression seriously. Until then, we are on our own. It is our responsibility to ensure that we do not let depression reach us. If you are already depressed at work place, then here are 5 tips that will help you cope with it effectively.

Talk about it

If you feel you are suffering from depression or if any of your colleague has depression symptoms, the best thing to do is talk about it. Keeping such things to yourself will only make it worse. So talk to a trusted colleague and you will feel lighter. Every time you see yourself stressing, just discuss.

Go on small vacations whenever possible Some employees work for months together without really taking a break. Taking breaks is very important for your mental health and also for your work. Whenever possible, go out on small vacations. If you do not get holidays, use the weekends and head out somewhere. Such breaks are imperative.

Try reconnecting with what you love the most about your job

Most often we end up stressing a lot in our work because of monotony. If you start to feel stagnant, chances are you will stress more and that can slowly lead to depression, because you are not happy with your job. The best way to deal with it is by ensuring that you reconnect with the most favorite part about your job. Make the most of your skills. If you love helping others, do it, if you love talking , do it.

Hang out more with a good crowd

During lunch breaks, make sure you are with a group that knows to have some fun and talks anything but work. You are already working round the clock and talking about work all the time. At least during lunch breaks or tea breaks, make sure that you are with a group that has fun, laughs, cracks jokes and is not discussing work. This way you get some refreshing mood change.

Seek professional help if nothing works

If your symptoms are too serious, then the best to do is seek professional help. Never hesitate to take help from a professional. They will guide you to feel better and slowly with proper and timely treatment, your mood will improve and so will your work.

These are the 5 sure shot ways to cope with workplace depression. Never take depression lightly. If you feel you are a depression patient, get it checked. Work stress can make it worse, so make use of these ways.

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